Fertility Charting

Fertility charting is basically a pregnancy achievement technique. It requires recording all of your fertility signs on a chart; allowing you to track ovulation, predict the most fertile time in your cycle, understand your own personal fertility patterns and increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Besides rapid pregnancy achievement, charting can also be helpful in diagnosing and resolving many fertility issues, such as hormonal imbalance or ovulation problems. Potential complications that charting may be able to alert you on include anovulation (when no egg is released), low estrogen, low progesterone, thyroid conditions and even possible miscarriage.

For couples having difficulty in conceiving, fertility charting can be a very valuable tool. Charting can help you identify your most fertile days, so you can make love on those days to increase your chances of conception. A woman is only fertile for a few short days (the egg lives and can be fertilized for 12-24 brief hours after ovulation) during each menstrual cycle, so timing when you make love is critical part of conception.

In addition, many doctors and naturopaths strongly encourage fertility charting because it’s completely safe, natural and does not rely on drugs or medical procedures and there are no health risks or side effects. Plus, by charting your fertility, you will also become more aware of the patterns unique to your body, along with gaining a better understanding of how pregnancy is achieved. Once you understand these patterns and changes (and with a little patience), you can begin to anticipate ovulation through a combination of methods:

–Tracking your basal body temperature (or BBT)
–Observing changes in your cervical mucus
–Monitoring your physical and emotional symptoms
–Checking the position and shape of your cervix

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