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Is it safe to have sex during the last trimester?

In most cases, it’s safe to continue to make love throughout pregnancy, up until your water breaks, but it’s a good idea for all couples to check with their doctor or midwife. Intercourse won’t rupture membranes and there’s no significant evidence that it causes premature labor in the last three months, as long as your pregnancy is uncomplicated and you have no history of preterm labor. You may have heard that the hormone prostaglandin (sometimes used to soften the cervix in early labor) is present in semen and could cause you to have your baby prematurely, but semen only contains very small amounts, which will not bring on labor. This may be disappointing news to some women who are close to their due dates or are overdue, who wish to trigger labor.

How can I avoid a cesarean birth?

Many women who have cesareans have had one previously, so the best way reduce your chances is by trying to avoid the first. The doctor or midwife you choose will be a key to avoiding an unnecessary cesarean. Find one that has a low cesarean rate and ask them about their philosophy on cesareans, when interviewing potential doctors or midwives. By avoiding an epidural or waiting until you are past 5 centimeters dilated, you can reduce some of the risk of a cesarean, because epidurals can slow labor down. During labor, avoid lying on your back for extended periods of time and try changing positions every 15- 30 minutes if possible. Lying on your back can make contractions less effective, causing labor to be prolonged, which could lead to a cesarean. Walking, squatting and any other position which allows gravity to help is best. Find a labor support person (or doula), who can provide continuous support during labor. This can also significantly reduce the risk of a cesarean.

What is back labor?

Back labor is when you feel the most pain and pressure in your lower back, just above your tailbone, during labor. Many times this is caused from the baby being in a posterior position (facing the mother’s abdomen, rather than facing down) in the birth canal. The first thing to do to relieve pain (as well as possibly encourage your baby to rotate) is to get off your back. Change positions frequently. Different positions can sometimes give the baby more room to turn. Counter-pressure may be helpful to lessen the pain of back labor. Have your partner or support person apply firm pressure to your lower back, using a tennis ball or their hands. Warm baths, showers and hot water bottles can be a relief also.

Menstrual Periods, Drinking and Hair Dye
Cats, Ultrasounds and First Movements
Fish, Exercising and Sleep
Sex, Cesarean and Back Labor
Tanning Beds, Weight Gain and Areola Changes
Castor Oil, Smaller Shoes and Nesting Instincts
First Prenatal Visit


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