Pregnancy Weight Gain

The appropriate weight gain during pregnancy depends on several factors, including your height, your age and how much you weighed before you conceived. Typically, if you are average or “normal” weight before becoming pregnant, it’s recommended that you gain between 25-35 pounds; about 2-5 pounds during the first trimester and approximately 1 pound per week after that.

What is a healthy weight gain for pregnancy?

If you are underweight before becoming pregnant, it’s recommended that you gain a bit more weight: between 28-40 pounds preferably (depending on the severity of the weight problem). If you are overweight before becoming pregnant, it’d recommended that your total weight gain be a bit less; between 15-25 pounds.

If you are pregnant with multiples, you will need to gain more weight, depending on the number of babies you are carrying (approximately 35-50 pounds with twins). Weight gain during pregnancy should be gradual with the most weight being gained in the last trimester, although some women notice their weight gain slowing or possibly a slight weight loss just prior to delivery.

Check with your doctor or midwife to determine how much weight gain is healthy for you. Remember, a proper diet and adequate weight gain during pregnancy is essential for your health and optimum development your baby.

Inadequate weight gain can cause problems to your baby such as prematurity and low birth weight. Excessive weight gain can lead to a larger baby, which can complicate the birth process, cause certain health complications during pregnancy and may be difficult to lose after delivery. During pregnancy, weight gain can be broken down to: increased blood: 3-4 pounds, breast tissue: 1-2 pounds, uterine muscle: 2- 2 1/2 pounds, baby: 6- 8 1/2 pounds, placenta: 1 1/2- 2 pounds, amniotic fluid: 2 pounds, maternal fat stores: 7-8 pounds and water in maternal tissue: 4 pounds. What are these little bumps that have appeared around my nipples?

Those little bumps that surround your nipples (on the dark area called the areola) are quite normal and are called Montgomery glands or, “Montgomery’s tubercles”. They have always been present, but during pregnancy, they tend to enlarge and become much more pronounced, typically first appearing during the first trimester. They become more prominent and swell as pregnancy progresses. They can vary greatly in number, averaging between 4 and 28 per areola. These bumps are glands that produce oils that lubricate your nipples, as well as discourage bacterial growth during breastfeeding. The lubrication they create helps to keep the skin around your nipples healthy and elastic. Using soap to wash them can remove these protective oils and even lead to cracked and sore nipples during breastfeeding.

Is it safe to continue using tanning beds throughout pregnancy?

The rays emitted by the bulbs in tanning beds are just as safe as the rays of the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (from a tanning bed or direct sunlight) can prematurely age your skin and heighten your risk of developing skin cancer. Sun exposure can also increase your risk of developing (or intensify) Chloasma or, “the mask of pregnancy”, which is brown patches that appear on your face. It’s believed that the UV light used in tanning beds doesn’t reach far enough into the body to harm a developing baby, but anything that raises your core body temperature should be avoided. Overheating can harm your baby, particularly in the first trimester, when most major organs and structures are forming. UV rays have also been associated with folic acid deficiency, which can lead to neural tube defects. If you must tan, stay in for short periods of time, drink plenty of water and make sure the room is well ventilated. Consider using a spray bottle filled with water, during your tanning session to keep you cool. Get out of the tanning bed before you become hot.

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Tanning Beds, Weight Gain and Areola Changes
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First Prenatal Visit

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