Varicose Veins

varicose veins When your blood volume and hormone levels increase with pregnancy and blood vessels in your legs become engorged, you may experience varicose veins. Your enlarged uterus tends to press against major veins in your pelvic region, adding to the problem. In addition, varicose veins run in families, so if your mother got them, you may predisposed to get them also.

Varicose Veins Symptoms

The symptoms of varicose veins includes pain, tenderness and aching in your legs, along with possible swelling of your ankles. Sometimes varicose veins cause no discomfort at all. Visibly, they can appear as bluish enlarged, bulging veins and can be somewhat rope-like. To prevent or minimize them, limit your standing time and rest as often as possible, with your feet elevated. Try to keep from crossing your legs and wear clothing that is loose, rather than clothes that can restrict circulation in your legs. The good news is varicose veins usually disappear within three months of delivery.

more Discomforts

Breast Discomfort
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Dizziness and Fainting
Hand Numbness
Heartburn and Indigestion
Increased Discharge
Itchy Abdomen
Leg Cramps
Nausea and Morning Sickness
Pelvic Pressure
Sleep Trouble
Urinary Problems
Varicose Veins

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